Doda: Ako si dopadol na Colnici?
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MiniMig - vlákno o její stavbě a tak kolem
Dorazily veci od Farnellu, postovne je 0,-.... zajimave. Protoze jsem to nakonec musel vzit od ceskeho zastoupeni, tak mi k tomu prihodili dph, ale mam doklad na firmu, tak to zase uplatnim.
Soudruzi celnici stale odolavaji a balicek z DigiKEY mi jeste nedali (zrejme bezny postup). Snad to z nich do konce tydne vyrazim. Kazdopadne podle predbeznych odhadu vychazi jedna sada komplet cca na 1650,- (myslim tyto 2 firmy, celkove je to pochopitelne +GME+deska+zdroj+sd karta).
Konektory na JOY od Farnellu maji lepsi rozmer, spatne se to popisovalo, kouknete na foto, ten mensi je z GME a myslim, ze podobne pouziva v soucasnosti i Acube. Na funkci rostlinare to nema vliv, ale kdyby se to davalo do nejake krabicky, tak to nepujde prisroubovat.
Zdejsi zastoupeni funguje podivne. Udelas objednavku normalne do kosiku, ale misto abys ji odeslal a zaplatil, tak kosik ulozis do CVS (hodnoty oddelene strednikem) a to jim posles mailem. Trochu magorina, ale zafungovalo to.
Koukam na jejich web a uvadeji, ze "postovne a balne zdarma", to je celkem fajn. Nevyhoda je, ze to zase dostanes vcetne DPH. Kdyz to objednas treba z UK, tak to budes mit bez, ale je tam 5 EUR "flat fee" postovne.
S nejvetsi nechuti jsem volal na celnici a rozhovor vypadal asi takto (celnik oznacen *)
Dobry den, mam u vas balik... *A co jako?.... Jako bych ho chtel..... *Mame toho hodne, musite pockat..... Muzete se alespon podivat v jakem je to stavu?... *Nemuzu..... Proc.... *Proto..... Uz tam lezi 10 dni..... *To je mi fuk..... Kdy to bude?.... *Az to bude, tak to bude..... Muzu vam alespon rict cislo baliku?......* Nemuzete, rikam ze je mi to uplne fuk. Zavolejte na cislo 123456790.... Co se tam dozvim?... *Nic, ale me to uz prudi a chtel bych si trochu schrupnout.
Je to zkracena verze, tak jsem pouzil jiny vystiznejsi text.Naposledy upravil Doda; 24.04.2008, 14:02:08.
Autorem citovaného textu je Doda Přejít na původní příspěvekMyslim ze by to s nim ani nehnulo.A1200, Blizzard 1230/50MHz, 64MB RAM, CF-IDE 2GB, WHDLoad registered; CD32; C128, FDD 1541 II; C64 I, FDD 1541 I, UK1541 2GB
A600 HD, 2MB Chip, Fúria EC020 inside
no update prece!
Minimig V1.0/V1.1 Firmware/Core build 27-04-2008
New in this release is support for 256KB kickstart files as well as Amiga Forever encrypted Kickstart files.
Also added to this release is improved error posting and system trouble shooting.
Both the PIC firmware AND the FPGA core have been updated. You can use Tiny Bootloader to update the PIC with minimig1.hex
minimig1.bin is the FPGA core that goes onto the MMC flash card
* encrypted kickstarts
The kickstart must be renamed to "kick.rom" as with the previous release. The key file must be named "rom.key".
Both files must be in the root dir. The firmware has been tested with Amiga Forever 2005 premium edition.
* Ram tests and FPGA/68000 check
To facilitate troubleshooting, a ram test has been added to the 68000 boot code. After FPGA config, all ram areas will be tested with alternating bit patterns. The test has been divided in 3 subtest. During each subtest, the screen is set to a specific color. If a subtest fails the screen will remain in that specific color.
The colors are:
Subtest1: green (tests IC7)
Subtest2: red (tests IC6)
Subtest3: blue (tests IC6)
Also, the red power led (D is set to bright immediately after the FPGA and 68000 come up, indicating that they are working properly.
* Error posting
If something goes wrong during system startup or operation, the green led is used to post an error number. The error number is derived from the number of flashes between the 2 seconds pauses.
The error numbers are:
2: No "minimig1.bin" FPGA core file found
3: No "kick.rom" kickstart file found
4: no "rom.key" key file found
5: FPGA configuration failed (INIT pin or DONE pin not high)
6: MMC or SD flash card not found/recognized
7: general file error
Dennis van Weeren
27-04-2008Umřít v nejlepším umí málokdo. Dokázala to jen Amiga a Šlacha.